Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Six-Word Memoirs

When looking for juicy tidbits of writing wisdom, I came across a funny site called Six-Word Memoirs. As you are learning about and writing your own memoirs this semester, I thought this was only fitting!

Okay, so here's the deal. Can you come up with a memoir in only 6 words? I believe you can! Think of an event in your life. Perhaps it is something that happened to you today. Now explain the moment in six words.

Here are a few samples from the site's archives
to get you warmed up to the idea:

Relaxing with the family. So cozy. 

Dressed up today, I love compliments.  

A blank paper is my enemy.

Broken iPod means a broken life. 

You get the picture. Bring on your six-word memoirs, people!


Kristin Peixotto said...

Work on school work right away.
Today looks like a gloomy day.
Get on my horse and ride.
Fall off and loose my pride.

Ha ha! Little bit dorky but I tried. Poetry is not my strong suite. :)

Mrs. Sol said...

Here's mine: "Blog comments always make my day." :)

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